Thursday, January 28, 2010

Makes me think too hard...

I had an amazing opportunity to see the Olympic torch relay very up close and personal this month. It traveled through the community of Oakbank and we were able to watch it pass by and then I watched my sister carry it too.
I must confess I was sooooo into it all as I clapped my red mittens (getting them is an entire other story) and cheered on the RBC semi (with its pumped up music and dancers) and the Coca Cola semi (handing out their recycled flags and collectors bottles of coke) and of course the participant running by.
It was thrilling and exciting and so hyped up and - it costs millions of dollars to travel across our great nation.
Millions of dollars that could have gone to:
the athletes,
the venue,
a homeless shelter,
a food bank,
Habitat for Humanity...

but I am not gonna lie - it was one very cool experience!!