Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1st has finally arrived!

In 2 hours I will be making my way to the Winnipeg International airport to begin this long awaited journey.
In the last few days I have learned that my curling buddy Wilf has a relative in Malawi working for a waterwellness project with 'Engineers without Borders' and it just happens that he will be in the Mulanje district next week while we are there. How ironic that a group from Winnipeg will be traveling half way across the world and could end up sharing a meal with a fellow Canadian?! So neat.
Having packed and unpacked my suitcase a dozen times in the last week I am pretty certain there is no changing things now. I have attempted to pre-book seats online - not certain it was a success but will figure it out at the airport.
I am looking forward to seeing Heathrow for the first time in decades and can foresee a pint in hand while watching a soccer game during our approx. 7 hour layover there!